I must be crazy

Hey Reader

On a group call a few weeks ago, someone who practices positive affirmations said "people would think I'm crazy if they knew how much I talk to myself!"

It's understandable. In polite society we tend to associate talking to oneself with mental illness. As a boy I remember being terrified by this poor old guy on the bus who seemed to constantly utter angry sentiments to nobody, under his breath, sometimes whilst clenching his fists.

But intentional, positive self-talk is a completely different thing. And it is potentially the thing you need to start doing to turn your entire life around.

How it works

Positive affirmations are simply positive statements that you intentionally make to yourself, such as I am calm or I am confident. If you're skeptical as to whether these have any affect on the way you behave, consider this: your brain already hosts a continuous internal monologue, much of which is made up of negative thoughts.

Why do you think you're in a bad mood? Why do you think you feel worry, or concern?

It's not the outside world that decides our mood; it's our reaction to it.

And our reaction is mostly made by our subconscious mind. You are already affirming things to yourself, just unconsciously and negatively.

This is why intentional, positive thinking is so powerful. Because it is in direct contrast to your default way of thinking, which is negative and unconscious.

Why this is important

After thousands of hours coaching people at different levels, I've come to see just how important our perspective is.

The newbie freelancer can present limitations in their thoughts, as can the 7 figure business owner. Different mindset problems arise at all levels of the game, and if not interrogated they keep us full of doubt and misery.

The problem with our goal-centric Western culture is that we think we need to just work harder, and we have a default expectation that business is tough.

What if I told you that this did not need to be the case? What if it were simply our perspective, which directs our energy, that is wrong? What if you could alter your perspective, redirect your energy and enjoy a calmer and peaceful life?

You can, and I am living proof. In a couple of weeks I'm spilling the beans on this in a free masterclass entitled Self Confidence Mastery. You can get the details and sign up here.

Look forward to seeing you there


P.s. I'm going to be talking more about things like this. I want to know who in my audience is up for it. If you love learning about mindset and self-development, reply and let me know.

Master of One

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