I borrowed £12,000

Reader, I'd like to get really real with you in this email.

I have many things still to learn about running a business.

But one thing I seem to have locked in is how to think about and use money.

Many of you will know we welcomed our second child into the world in February. This has been beautiful for many reasons, but it has meant that working at home has been a challenge. Anyone remember this?

Along with the toddler constantly blazing around, we now have the introduction of a wailing baby 😅

And so the time came again to make a serious investment in my business - I'm currently building a garden office.

This will create a clear division between home and work, as well as give me some much needed space to think and work in peace!

Borrowing to invest

This is not a small job. We had to have an old garage demolished, some garden waste removed, a fence panel fitted, electrics installed... all before the actual cost of the office building. In total we're closing on £17k.

I didn't have that money lying around, so instead of writing this off as "not possible" or "one day", I borrowed a sizeable chunk of it.

Because the return I'm going to get is far greater than the investment.

And this isn't the first time I've done this. Over the past few years I have invested literally 10s of thousands of £ into my business, in the form of training, coaching, outsourcing, software and hardware.

But before you call me privileged or lucky, I want to talk to you about the mindset behind this.

The investor mindset

The unfortunate truth is that most of us see money as something to hold onto.

Now I'm not saying you shouldn't have a rainy day fund, but for me, any money you're hanging onto beyond a few months personal runway is being wasted.

I would rather re-invest that money and put it to work.

The investor is always asking how can I use this surplus to expand?

They are coming from a place of growth, not scarcity.

Again, have your own safety net for sure, but there's no need to create a dozen safety nets for yourself. Instead, learn to trust in your own resourcefulness and ability to generate income.

The investor trusts that whatever they invest, will be returned in multiples. They focus on the return, not the investment.

And if they don't have what they need right now, they borrow it.

But most people are trying to avoid the risk. They're trying to gain a return, without making any significant investments.

And deep down, they're not confident that the return will come, so they steer clear and just keep hold of what they have.

If this describes you, please know that this mindset is literally blocking your growth.

Developing the inner fortitude to just know that making scary investments is almost always worth it is so important.

I can say this with compassion and sincerity because I used to hang on to what I had. And guess what? Not much happened, for many years. No risk, no reward.

What I've finally learned and locked in, is a much more positive and abundant mindset. I'm serious about earning what I need, but everything else is for playing with. This is a much lighter and healthier way to be in business, would you agree?

And so with that being said, I'm calling to those of you who are looking to make an investment in yourself and your business. On Tuesday next week, we're starting a 3 month programme helping freelancers move toward the agency model. We're talking systems, processes and strategy. I made this transition in 2018, and though it was scary, it opened the door to higher paying clients and an all round better quality of business.

If you're wanting similar results for yourself, please reply to this email and I'll send you the details.



Master of One

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