What flower are you growing?

Every business starts out as an idea, like planting a seed. And like a seed, with proper care, its cells divide and it sprouts out into its fullest form.

The type of plant is coded in its DNA. You would never sow tomato seeds expecting to grow daffodils.

So today I'd like to ask you - what seed have you planted? And what business are you growing?

Now I personally don't think you need to have the whole thing completely mapped out. But it helps to have an idea of what you're working toward.

Unfortunately, most people are taking a "wait and see" approach to their business. They're watering it (though probably not as often as they should) but they don't really have any idea what is going to grow out of the soil.

And because of this, their actions tend to be haphazard and inconsistent, and their results are up and down.

If that sounds like you, here are some good questions to ask yourself on a regular basis:

  • What sort of projects do I truly love working on?
  • What sort of clients do I truly love working with?
  • How would I truly love to spend my time?
  • How much money would I truly love to earn?
  • Where would I love to be 12 months from now?

I use the word love here because this is what we want to be moving in alignment with in business. It's the highest form of energy. Tell me that's not true and I'll ask you so why else are you doing this?

But just know: you have sown a seed and you are growing something. The question is what?

When you fully come to realise that you have the power to answer those questions above, and actually you're the only one who can answer them, that is when your business starts to take shape.

Nature has plans for the seed. What are your plans?

If you want clarity and a course of action for your business, I am looking to help 3 business owners in the next couple of weeks. I'll work one-on-one with you to figure out exactly what sort of business you'd love to build, and help you put the steps in place to do. Interested? Just hit reply and let me know.



Master of One

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